My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Honestly, I expected more from this book after all the raving reviews I saw on Twitter from other librarians. I think if I had not seen previous reviews I would have liked the book better, and not had different expectations.
The beginning is very slow, and hard to really grasp. Especially the character of Louisiana Elefante. She is almost unbelievable at times in the beginning. But then, without even realizing it, you are sucked into this book and find yourself anxiously waiting to find out the outcome for the three main characters. I wanted to pluck Beverly from the book and bring her home to raise as my own child!
I have not decided my feelings about the ending of this book just yet. Is it even real, or is Raymie dreaming. I won't say anything because I don't want to give away spoilers, but some of the ending was strange, but beautifully written.
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