I shared in an earlier post about the changes I made this past school year to the library program and schedule. I was approached by Region 10 and Texas Title 1 Capacity Building Initiative to be interviewed about my collaborative partnerships and my flexible schedule. Their team came to my school and videoed myself and another teacher co-teaching a lesson, then interviewed us both. The video is complete, and I'm very proud of the outcome.
How It Started
My flexible schedule started small my first year as a librarian. Then, as other teachers heard of the collaborative lessons, the partnership grew and now I am almost on a full flexible schedule. Only kinder and first grades come for their 30 minute lessons on a weekly basis. I use this time with the younger students to teach them how to be independent users of the library.
I am more than happy to discuss this with anyone that is interested in a flexible schedule. Feel free to contact me and I will do everything I can to help you out.