We are already a week into the year 2017! We have only been back at school for 4 days, and the library has already circulated over 1,100 books. It makes me so happy to have such avid readers here.
No time was wasted this week, and everyone dove right into working and researching. Third grade is learning about landforms, so the teacher and I collaborated on ways to make it more meaningful. She found a passport, and I provided the lesson on using Google Earth and our online World Atlas. Students were given the task to find information on different types of landforms, then to locate famous landforms using Google Earth and illustrate in their passport.
The students and I had loads of fun searching for landforms using Google Earth. We looked at some of the volcanoes in Hawaii and mountain ranges in Europe. One group even viewed Death Valley!
In kinder and first grade, we discussed the difference between fiction and nonfiction. I forgot to take pics, but we made a t-chart to show the difference. We learned that fiction is to entertain and nonfiction is to inform. I used the book TOYS MEET SNOW by Emily Jenkins as the fiction book and WHO LIKES THE SNOW by Etta Kaner as the nonfiction example. If you have not read TOYS MEET SNOW to your students, it is a must read and a must have for your elementary library!
To wrap up the week, it SNOWED!! It is hard enough to concentrate on a Friday, but to add on snow! We don't see snow very often here in Texas, so the students were all abuzz with excitement this afternoon.
Also, to wrap up the week, my manicure has lasted all week through numerous book repairs. I love these Jamberry nail wraps!!
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