Sunday, May 20, 2018

Kinder Using Google Slides

One of my favorite days of the week is when the kindergarteners and first graders come to learn in the library. Their excitement over learning something new is contagious! Often times, these little learners are limited by expectations of adults around them. I have heard so many times "They won't be able to use Google Drive" or "It's too hard to teach them how to log in." NOT TRUE! Even though a little learner may not be reading yet does not mean that they cannot create, explore, design, and more using technology.

This year, we started Chromebook Academy with our kinders and firsties. We learned how to take care of the Chromebooks, carry the Chromebooks, and log into the Chromebooks. My little learners now know how to get into Google Classroom and get into their Google Drive.

Believe they can, and they will! 

Learners today, for the most part, have had a device in their hand since they were little. However, that does not mean they know how to use technology for learning, designing, and collaborating. Do not assume just because they play games on their parent's iPad that they can use a computer to complete an assignment. But, don't assume they can't benefit from technology!

Look at these faces! They are completely engaged in their learning and having a great time while doing it.

I suggest you start off with allowing them to explore in Google Drawings and Google Slides. They will learn a lot from exploring on their own. Plus, if you let them get the exploration out of the way, they are more likely to listen and follow along with you when you are giving step by step instructions. 

Kindergarten student exploring in Google Slides. 
After giving them time to explore, the teacher and I give them instructions. On this particular day the teacher was reviewing shapes, so we had them add shapes to their slides.

Why wait until 3rd grade to teach them the basics of Google Apps for Education? Prepare them when they are young, then they are more prepared for the older grades. 

A great blog to follow for ideas on using Google with littles is Learning With Christine Pinto.  Also, follow #gafe4littles on Twitter. 

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