Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Read Across America Recap

Read Across America is one of my favorite weeks of the entire school year! This year our school wide theme for the week was "Make the World a Better Place". Each day we had fun dress days, guest readers, and fun activites! 

A retired assistant superintendent came to read GREEN EGGS AND HAM to our students. He talked about reading this book to his granddaugter every night that she came to visit. Then he told us about how his granddaughter is now in college. 

Mr. Washington reads GREEN EGGS AND HAM
We had two firefighter crews from the Garland firestation visit our students. They read to us and talked to us about their jobs. They told the students that even though their job is a physical job, they have to use math, reading, and writing every day.

Garland Firefighters read to students. 
Garland firefighters 

Two of our amazing school board members came to read with our students this week as well. Mrs. Griffin even dressed as the Cat in the Hat for the students. It was lots of fun. Both school board members talked to the students about their roles as school board members, and discussed how reading helped them be successful in their jobs, personal lives, and get elected as board members. 

Mrs. Griffin dresses up and reads to our students. 

Mr. Selders came to visit, read, and take pictures. 
One of our parents came to read to several classes. She read FOX IN SOCKS, which was her daughters' favorite when they were really little. She also wore her crazy socks just like our students.

Parent reads to students. 

Crazy socks day! 

One of the best parts of this week was the bench that was donated to our school by a nearby retirement home. The bench was built and painted by the residents of the retirement home, and now the bench has a forever home in our library. Isn't that AMAZING!! 

We had several other activities going that week. Their was a Seuss trivia on the announcements each morning with prizes for the winning classes. The students voted on their favorite Seuss book, and the winner was THE LORAX this year. 

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